Luke Downie, Realmark
Most people find Strata to be a dry subject. Talk to Luke about Strata Legislation and you will soon see how enthused and excited he becomes about the topic. With over 20 years in the industry providing Strata Management and consultancy services. Luke owned and operated his own Strata Management business here in Perth for over 10 Years as well as being the state lecturer in Strata Management at Central Tafe at that time. Educating people on Strata Title has been a passion of Luke’s delivering seminars on a regular basis for the last three years and now regular webinars since COVID-19. In his spare time Luke’s passions are family, fishing, fine dining and football (West Coast Eagles). He also likes to volunteer assisting Perth’s homeless community. Luke is a regular contributor to LookUpStrata. You can take a look at Luke’s articles here .