Welcome to your latest edition of Strata News! 


Stand by for our next Facebook Live Q&A Session 
On Wed 8 Jul at Midday AEST we'll be joined by
Tyrone Shandiman, Strata Insurance Solutions 
to answer all of your Strata Insurance questions.
 If you've got a question, please send it here and be sure to like our Facebook page so you don't miss this and future Q&A sessions. We have some exciting guests lined up.
Please Note: We are unable to provide legal advice or respond to specific circumstances. Please keep your questions general and be sure to include your state. See you there!

WA Reform Education Sessions [Webinars]

Standby for more information.
To have advance notice of the session dates, register your interest here. We should have more information next week. If you registered for our Cancelled Session at the Town Hall earlier this year, you are already on our list.
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Latest Articles From the LookUpStrata Blog

Strata Title Trees and Hedges - What Can & Can't the OC do?

NSW: Q&A Strata Title Trees and Hedges - What Can & Can't the OC do?
Leanne Habib Premium Strata

Question: In a duplex, we each have exclusive use of our yard and garden. Isn't this therefore our responsibility to maintain? The other lot owner would like the owners corporation to remove a tree.
Oppressive or Unreasonable Strata Bylaws

QLD: Oppressive or Unreasonable Strata Bylaws
Chris Irons,
Hynes Legal

Question: Can a Body corporate general motion ban an owner or occupier from moving into or out of their apartment on a set day of the week, or is this unreasonable?
Westside Fire Services
Approval for Renovations / Changing Appearance of the Lot

VIC: Q&A Approval for Renovations / Changing Appearance of the Lot
Alex Smale , The Knight

Question: A tenant in our building has put vegetable planter boxes in their car parking space. Would this require owners corporation approval?
Making Improvements to the Building in Strata

WA: Q&A Making Improvements to the Building in Strata
Andrew Chambers,
Chambers Franklyn Strata Management

Question: Our strata manager says the painting of the exterior of our building is the lot owner's responsibility. Is this right?
PSC Property Lync Insurance Brokers
Body Corporate Rules for Cars on Common Property

QLD: Q&A Body Corporate Rules for Cars on Common Property
Hayley Gath,
Mathews Hunt Legal

Question: Two out of our three lot owners would like permission to park on common property. As we are a majority, do we need approval from the other lot owner?
NSW: How to Position Yourself to Get your By-law Approved by the Owners Corporation

NSW: How to Position Yourself to Get your By-law Approved by the Owners Corporation
Kerin Benson Lawyers

Need a renovation by-law? Ensure your by-law contains sufficient information for the Owners Corporation to be fully informed about your works and also includes clauses that sufficiently protect the interests of the Owners Corporation.

Last Edition's Star Articles

Installing Private Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations
Renovations, Altering Common Property and Changing the Appearance of the Lot

Highlighting LookUpStrata Sponsors

Blackburne Strata Management


Optical Terminations

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Australian Strata Services Directory
EYEON Property Inspections

EYEON Property Inspections
NSW: Buy and Sell with More Confidence

QUS Pty Ltd – Strata Insurance

QUS Pty Ltd – Strata Insurance
NAT: Strata Insurance distributed via insurance brokers Australia wide

Have Your Say...... 

NAT: Priorities for a post pandemic landlord-renter relationship in Australia
RMIT Invites you to participate in the research project ‘Priorities for a post pandemic landlord-renter relationship in Australia.’ We are interested in learning more about scale of the problems caused by Covid-19 for landlords and tenants. The results could help shape government action by providing research evidence into how to further assist the landlord-renter relationship. You can find out more via this FactSheet. You have until 12 July to complete the survey.
You can complete the survey here. Why not forward the newsletter on if you know of anyone who can assist with the survey. Thank you for your time. 

Latest Strata News 

New South Wales Victoria New Zealand

Upcoming Events

Western Australia

SCA WA: Management Agreement and Negotiation Skills [Webinar]
7 July, 3 - 4pm AWST

: WA Reform Education Sessions [Webinars]
Standby for more information. Register your interest here

LookUpStrata featuring Tyrone Shandiman, Strata Insurance Solution: Ask Us Anything (Strata Insurance) [Facebook Live]
8 July, Midday AEST | 10 am AWST

Hynes Legal: Noise in strata [Facebook Live]
3 July, 2pm AEST
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